May 18, 2014

Prep Work and Planting

Well the crazy season is almost coming to an end, so I better get everyone caught up!
 In early April we disked, shredded stalks, row stalked (cutting the old roots or "crown" out of the old row), chisled and I even got in on the action a few days I was off from my paying job. This was a very windy, dry dirt flying kind of day. What you can't see from this picture is I was actually trying to follow a not real distinct line in the dirt through this cloud of dirt, and I'm sure I had people driving by wondering what I was trying to get accomplished! My mission that day was to drive like I was shown, turn nicely and not hit any power poles, signs or such next to the road. And to do this with a tractor that when it was new cost more than a nice large house and has tires taller than me. Needless to say I was a bit out of my comfort zone but lived to tell about it, hit nothing and felt like I actually helped to keep life functioning for my planting farmer.
This is a chisel for tearing up ground that has been compacted.

This is the row stalker.

 Then the planter preparations were in full swing, well the last minute ones at least. The planter usually spends a chunk of winter in the shop making sure it is ready to go and then when we are just about ready to plant, it gets a finishing walk through and finally is all back together for the season. Chris called to have us bring snacks after school one day so the girls got to help a little too.

The planter without seed and chemical boxes.
These plastic discs will pick up and distribute the seed one by one through the planter

The seed box off of the planter, waiting for its new plate.

The girls getting dirty and helping!

This box is ready to be installed on the planter bar.

And FINALLY planting season could begin! 
Chris took a short video, so you can ride along for a minute.

And some pictures of the planter from my view (which is usually running lunch or taking parts :)

And as crazy as this all was, we also had our branding (which is another soon to come post), spring music programs, Easter celebrations and the start of summer softball. I'm tired just trying to remember what I missed!

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