February 22, 2014

Beginning Again

Well we have been extremely busy the past 2 1/2 years, so much so that keeping up the blog took a direct hit and as you can see, it has not been updated since Fall of 2011. Wow! We have so much to share but I will try to make this as short as possible. I was accepted into the Physical Therapist Assistant program at San Juan College and started those classes in January of 2012. Chris had an ATV accident at work on the farm in March of 2012 which had him healing a broken pelvis at home, his family scrambling to get ready for planting season and moving cows back out to pasture, while I worked and prepared to make my first of 5 trips to New Mexico. Our world went completely crazy but we have persevered, healed and just kept moving.

Fast forward to 2014. I have graduated and passed my boards! Chris, his dad Mark and brothers Shane and Marcus have been very busy with the farm and cattle after his Grandfather retired from the day to day farm work. They also have been dealing with extra stress the drought we have been in the last 3 years has brought on. Our girls are bigger and busier than ever and life continues to bring us challenges and new adventures.

 It seems only fitting that this year we start up blogging again with calving season. The winter has been cold but busy with new calves daily at the farm. The cows started calving the end of January and this week it was warm enough that our girls got to out and watch an actual birth. They have been around baby calves quite a bit but having the good timing to get to see one being born was very exciting for them. Jordan was so excited, she even got in on the picture taking action!

This baby is just minutes old and is still covered in part of the amniotic sac.
Looking a little cleaner and cuter now after a few minutes, this calf has a great momma getting it cleaned and warmed up. This calf will be up walking and ready for it's first meal soon.  

This calf is a little older and curious why I am hanging out of the truck taking pictures.  (It was very windy here this week)

This one says its dinner time.
Spring is just around the corner and we will begin field work soon, but for right now the world at the farm revolves around these girls and their babies, and while the guys are plenty tired they wouldn't trade it for anything.

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